There is no guaranteed way to be able to reverse the effects of ototoxicity, even though there are drugs being researched right now. However, it may be that the ear just needs some time to be able to heal.
A lot of children will not have anymore issues with their balance and hearing if they discontinue the medications that are causing the problems. Your doctor may be able to work with you by adjusting the dosage of your medication. However, that may not always be the case and you may need a certain amount of the medication to help combat the disease. As a result, it is not an option to be able to switch the dosage or medication. There are some children who may find listening and auditory therapy beneficial, as well as lip reading.
Children who have severe damage to their inner ear may end up needing a hearing aid, cochlear implant or an amplification device.
Amplification devices
– This type of FM system may be able to reduce the amount of noise that you hear in the background. These auditory training devices are sometimes used in the classroom setting to help improve overall hearing when in a noisy environment. They are able to be fitted for your home and personal use. There are some other types of devices that may be effective for children who are older.
Hearing aids
– There are a lot of different forms of hearing aids that can fit inside of your ear or behind it to help amplify the sounds. An audiologist will perform the necessary adjustments to make sure that you are able to hear the sounds clearly. It may be that the hearing loss is too severe and there is no hearing aid that is going to be able to amplify the sounds enough to make a difference. That is where the cochlear implant will come in handy.
Cochlear implants
– This type of device is surgically implants to help go around the damaged part of the ear and send the signals right through to your auditory nerve. You will use a small microphone placed behind your ear to help pick up any sound waves and send them through to a receiver that is located underneath your scalp. It is this receiver that will then send the impulses on to your hearing nerve. The signals are then determined to be sound and the person is able to hear what is going on around them.
If your child is dealing with balance problems, they may need to undergo balance therapy with a therapist. The therapy process may include a lot of training exercises to help improve coordination and balance. There may be exercises that involve bending down, walking with your eyes open and then closed to name a few. Your child’s therapist may try positioning your child’s head to help move the fluid out of different parts of their ear.
Detection Early On is Crucial
The sooner your child is diagnosed with having ototoxicity, the quicker you are going to be able to begin treatment. It is crucial to be able to detect the condition in children who are very young. Babies and toddlers are going to need to be able to hear the voices around them from the beginning to be able to develop their language and speech skills to their fullest. In children who are older, hearing difficulties can play a key role in how they are going to socialize and communicate with others during the school years. Regardless of how old your child is, problems with their balance could put them at risk for falling and hurting themselves.
If your child is currently taking a large dose of medication and they are having trouble with their hearing or balance, it is time to speak with your doctor about it. Make sure that you mention all of the problems that your child is having, even if they don’t seem important at the time. You may not understand how paying attention or difficulty walking are an important component to the hearing process, but they may in fact be a key component to the whole process.
Anytime you are worried about the medication your child is taking you need to consult with your doctor. Do not just change the dose yourself or stop taking it all together without first consulting your doctor.