With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, those with hearing loss may start to get a bit nervous. Holidays mean large family gatherings, crowded living rooms, and distracting background noise.
We know the holidays should be about spending quality time with family and friends, seeing extended family, and sharing lots of laughs. We want you to enjoy this holiday season without worrying about falling behind in conversations, getting confused, or being embarrassed. These are some easy tips so you can have a fantastic holiday season.
Keeping the Volume Under Control
The most difficult thing for those with hearing aids is all that distracting background noise. With too many conversations happening at once, and sounds coming at your ears from all sides, it’s hard to focus on the person speaking to you. An easy way to keep the volume at a minimum is to spread out. You don’t all have to cram into the living room, but can use the dining room or sitting room as well. Smaller groups mean fewer conversations in one place, and less background noise in the room. This will make listening easier for everyone.
Another way to keep things quiet is to turn down the volume on your favorite holiday playlist. We know you’re excited to hear holiday music again, but maybe the party isn’t the best time to listen. Make sure the music is quite soft, and point the speakers away from where people are talking.
If you want the dinner table to be quieter, the easiest thing to get rid of is all the clinking! This year don’t put out the fancy china, but switch to paper or plastic plates and utensils. You’ll have a quiet dinner, and won’t have to worry about washing all those dishes later.
If you have hearing loss, it’s common to rely on lip reading and other visual cues to make sense of conversations, but this can be challenging at a rectangular table. As a host, if you have a round table, or several small tables, consider pulling these out for dinner. You’ll have an easier time seeing everyone, and have smooth conversations while you eat.
When the Party’s Not at Your House
You don’t always play host, and there will be times you’re the guest at someone else’s home. Even if you can’t control the listening environment in quite the same way, there are plenty of small things you can do to have a great evening and participate in conversations, all without drawing attention to your hearing loss or your hearing aids.
Pick your location wisely. Find the quietest place in the room and stay there. Let others bring the conversation to you. Having a one on one conversation on the quiet side of the room where the music is soft will give you confidence. You can hear what’s going on, and being away from the distracting noise will help your hearing aids pick up on the sound you’re focusing on while tuning out the background sounds. Check the lighting as well. Make sure you’re not in a dim spot, where reading lips or following visual cues will be more challenging.
At the dinner table, pick a buddy. This could be your spouse, or anyone you have an easy time understanding. You’ll be able to chat with them throughout dinner, and they can help fill in the gaps if you get a bit lost following the conversations around you.
The best piece of advice we can give you is to be open about your hearing loss. Don’t be afraid to talk to the host ahead of time, or ask to turn down the music. You’ll be surprised at how willing your family and friends are to accommodate your hearing loss, and include you in the celebrations.
From all of us at Desert Valley Audiology, we wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season!
Desert Valley Audiology
Las Vegas | Henderson
(702) 605-9133