Painkillers Could Lead to Hearing Loss in Women

Painkillers Could Lead to Hearing Loss in Women


Men are almost twice as likely as women to experience hearing loss – but women definitely are not immune to hearing loss! That’s why a recent study gave cause for concern with its troubling results.


The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that just over 1 in 20 cases of hearing loss in their study could have been the result of painkiller use (full article available for free here). The painkillers studied include the types of over-the-counter medications that many of us take regularly, such as aspirin, paracetamol (or acetaminophen) and ibuprofen (


How painkillers may heighten your risk of hearing loss


Researchers believe the link lies within the inner ear. The drugs are thought to remove protection from the inner ear, which reduces blood supply and damages the small hairs that register sound. The knock-on effect of this damage is hearing loss.


Types of painkillers and their impacts on hearing loss


Considering approximately 37.5 million Americans (15% of Americans aged 18 and over) report some trouble hearing, it is important to identify any potential links between hearing loss and our lifestyles and habits.


The findings of the study may sway your decisions next time you get a headache or pull a muscle.

  • Ibuprofen: Importantly, this study found that women who use ibuprofen twice a week for one year or more had a higher risk of hearing loss than women who do not use ibuprofen regularly. Advil and Motrin contain ibuprofen.

Regular use of ibuprofen over six years heightened the risk of developing hearing loss by 10%! Even use of 1-4 years was linked to a 7% increase in risk of hearing loss. There was a slight increase in the middle – four to five years of use constituted an 8% increased risk.

  • Acetaminophen: Also known as paracetamol, researchers concluded that a link only exists if women use this type of painkiller for six years or more. The risk of developing hearing loss was heightened by 9% when compared with less than one year of regular use. Tylenol includes acetaminophen.
  • Aspirin: Although previous studies have linked aspirin to hearing loss, the researchers in this study found that aspirin was not linked to hearing loss – likely because most people use low-dosage aspirin nowadays. ( Bayer contains aspirin.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Vanderbilt University, and others conducted the study.


A few caveats about long-term painkiller use and hearing health


Researchers in this study relied upon self-reported rates of hearing loss and did not objectively measure the degree of hearing loss, so the study cannot be considered conclusive.


Nevertheless, the study did use data from a long-running population-based study of American nurses, which are very useful for spotting patterns and links between factors. It should be noted, however, that the vast majority of women surveyed were white, so we do not know the implications for non-white women.


As other studies have had similar results, however, the researchers considered their findings to be consistent with medical research. Given the high levels of painkiller use in society, however, and the relatively small increase in risk from long-term use, it is probably safe to say that a few ibuprofens here and there will be perfectly fine.


It definitely does give reason to pause though if you take painkillers regularly, as it could result in harmful impacts to your health over time.


How Desert Valley Audiology Can Help


If you are concerned that you may be experiencing hearing loss, early prevention is key – many types of hearing loss can be protected against! Our audiologists are on hand to ensure that you are provided with the best service. If you are a candidate for hearing devices, they will work with you to ensure that your hearing aids fit your needs and suit your lifestyle.


To find out more about how to prepare for a hearing test, or to contact us to schedule a hearing test, click here.


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Phone: 702-605-9133

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