Although they are worn by people of all ages, hearing aids are still often thought of as large, obvious, clunky, and only for older people. The perceived negative stigma of hearing loss and hearing aids continues to discourage people from seeking treatment that could be life-changing.
But the truth is that hearing aids are nothing like they were in the past–they are smaller, sleeker, more comfortable and customizable than ever before. And as the U.S. population ages and rates of hearing loss continue to increase, it will become more important than ever for people to shake off their negative perceptions of hearing aids.
Putting off hearing loss treatment for years
Gary Hywood, a 66-year-old welder by trade who also spent two years in military service, was in his 50s when he first noticed he was having hearing difficulties. “I’ve always been in a noisy environment,” he says.
However, he put off seeking help with his hearing because of the stigma around hearing loss.
He says, “Nobody wants to wear those big clunkers and that’s what everybody thinks hearing aids are these days. That’s one of the reasons why I put it off for so long.”
And Mr. Hywood’s initial response to his hearing loss is not unique. Most hard of hearing people wait far too long to try hearing aids–the average wait time is seven years, from the time they are first affected by hearing loss to when they are first fitted with hearing aids.
A reason to act
Mr. Hywood says that he didn’t consider giving hearing aids a try until he was retired and began to spend more time with his grandchildren.
“I’d had hearing tests before through work and I knew I had some slight hearing loss, but what really hit home was about 12 months ago I was sitting in the living room with the TV going and my grandson was sitting alongside of me. He asked me a question and if I didn’t hear anything correctly my stock standard answer was a ‘yes’ and a smile and a nod of the head,” he remembers.
Mr. Hywood’s wife had heard what the question was and said, “That’s not what he asked you.” It was then that the couple decided it was time for Mr. Hywood to go in for a hearing exam.
Postponing a hearing exam can have serious consequences
Treating hearing loss early has been proven to be highly beneficial, and the opposite is also true. When people delay treating their hearing loss with hearing aids, especially as they grow older, there are often serious negative effects. Not only are there social and interpersonal consequences such as missing out on conversations and avoiding social occasions, studies have shown that untreated hearing loss sometimes leads to isolation and depression and increases a person’s chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Many people with untreated hearing loss also say that it has taken a toll on their job and their relationships.
“The sounds I’m hearing are amazing”
When it came time for his hearing aid fitting, Mr. Hywood remembers being shocked at just how small and discreet it was. His hearing aid sits behind his and measures at just 1.5 cm long, with a small tube that goes into his ear.
“Most people don’t even know I’ve got it on, which is what I like,” he says. “That’s one of the reasons why I went ahead and got them because they have come down in size.”
And things have changed in remarkable ways for Mr. Hywood since his hearing aid fitting.
“I put it in every day for as long as I possibly can and the sounds I’m hearing are amazing,” Hywood says, remembering his awe at hearing for the first time in years the squeak of his shoes on the floor.
“Something simple like that, it was nice to hear that I could actually hear it and my wife says I’m not entertaining the neighbors now because I’ve turned the TV down four levels from 13 down to 9,” he laughs. “So, it’s really good and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.”
Visit Us at Desert Valley Audiology
Have you thought about using a hearing aid and been discouraged by fears about their appearance? Don’t be. If you have noticed problems with your hearing, a hearing exam is the first step towards better, clearer conversations. There’s no time like the present. Contact us at Desert Valley Audiology to begin the process to better hearing.