Hearing Aid Maintenance Tips

Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Hearing Aids


Your hearing aids are shiny and new! You’ve invested in your hearing, and you want to get the most out of your hearing aids. We understand. To keep your hearing aids at peak performance, maintenance is key. Your hearing aids take care of your hearing, so it’s your job to take good care of them. Follow these simple tips and you’ll have better hearing with happy hearing instruments that serve you longer!


Cleaning Basics

The most important thing you can do for your hearing aids is proper cleaning. Many problems such as muffled sounds or feedback are caused by a buildup of dirt, dust, or earwax. Moisture buildup also damages your hearing aids.


To avoid these problems, keep your hearing aids squeaky clean. Get into a routine of cleaning your hearing aids every day. We recommend that you clean your hearing aids in the morning, since any earwax that’s collected on the hearing aids will have dried overnight, and will wipe off easily.


Always handle your hearing aids over a soft surface. They’re small and might get away from you, so be proactive in preventing damage in case of fall. Wipe the hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth. You can also use a soft cleaning brush to remove dirt and wax stuck in vents or blocking the microphone. Never clean your hearing aids with water! The electronic components are not waterproof, and will be damaged.


Proper Storing

Do you store your hearing aids in the bathroom? While this seems like the right move, the bathroom is actually the worst place to store your hearing aids!


Storing your hearing aids in such a damp environment exposes them to moisture, wears down your hearing aids, and causes damage. Always store in a safe, dry place. To prolong the life of your hearing aids, turn off your hearing aids at night and open the battery door. This allows the hearing aid to dry fully, removing any harmful moisture.


Watch out for kids and pets! Keep your hearing aids well out of reach to keep both your loved ones and your hearing aids safe.


We suggest that you invest in a drying kit. This allows you to store your hearing aids safely overnight, and sleep soundly knowing your hearing aids will be completely dry in the morning. If you live in a humid environment, lead an active lifestyle, or perspire heavily, leaving your hearing aids on the shelf overnight won’t dry them completely. A drying kit will give you peace of mind at night, and stress-free hearing.


What to Avoid

The number one thing to avoid when it comes to hearing aids is any form of water or moisture. The drier your hearing aids are, the better you’ll hear. Make sure to take them out before showering. It’s also a good idea to take them out before a workout. The sweat is good for you but bad for your hearing devices.


Also avoid things like cologne, perfume, hair spray, or insect repellent. Take your hearing aids out when applying these to keep your hearing aids clean and dry.


Prolonging Battery Life

Does it feel like you have to change the batteries every other day? We know how frustrating changing batteries can be, so let’s talk about increasing battery life! Store your batteries at room temperature, and don’t take the stickers off until you use them. Turning your hearing aids off and on during the day doesn’t save power, but actually can use more. It is better to leave your hearing aids on all day, and only turn them off when you won’t use them for several hours, like overnight.



Along with your daily maintenance, bring your hearing aids in for occasional checkups with us at Desert Valley Audiology before any problems start. We’ll give them a thorough cleaning, perform some routine checks, and make sure they’re in great shape.



Desert Valley Audiology

Las Vegas | Henderson

(702) 605-9133