6 Inspiring Celebrities with Hearing Loss

6 Inspiring Celebrities With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is incredibly common — it is estimated that over 48 million Americans have some form of hearing damage. Yet, it is still possible at times to feel like you are the only person you know wearing a hearing aid. There is no question that living with hearing loss is a challenge, but there is no reason to let it interfere with your life or allow it to go untreated. Let’s take a look at some noteworthy people who have met the challenges of hearing loss head on.

William Shatner

William Shatner (aka Star Trek’s Captain Kirk) suffers from tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ears that is a common symptom of hearing loss. On the set of Star Trek, a special effects explosion went off too close to his head, leaving him with this condition that, in his words, “has robbed silence from the lives of nearly 12 million Americans”. He has since become a spokesperson for research of a cure and has found support from the American Tinnitus Association (ATA).

Pete Townshend

Nonprofit hearing advocacy group H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers) was founded by this iconic musician, who suffered hearing damage as a result of mega-decibel concerts and countless practice sessions with his band The Who. The famous rocker now makes use of computer systems and engineers to help him with his music in the studio. Instead of letting hearing loss stand in his way, Townshend continues to rock while raising awareness of hearing damage and how to prevent it.

Whoopi Goldberg

Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg attributes her hearing loss to years of listening to loud music. The film star opened up about her hearing issues, and the fact that she wears hearing aids at home, on an episode of ‘The View’, encouraging fans to take care of their hearing before it’s too late: “If you have any hearing loss, make sure you go and get yourself checked out, because… if you can stop it, you should. Stop it in its tracks.”

Halle Berry

Having lost 80% of her hearing in one ear after being hit in the head by her boyfriend, this famous actress has since dedicated herself to speaking out against domestic violence and advocating for abuse victims. Halle is not only living with hearing loss, but she is using it as a powerful force for positive change.


Bill Clinton

While in office, Bill Clinton was diagnosed with high-frequency hearing loss, and was fitted for a completely-in-canal hearing aid. The former president attributes his hearing damage to exposure to loud rock music and noise from hunting rifles and political rallies, and finds it difficult to hear in noisier environments. Clinton wore his hearing aid while in office, which brought positive public attention to hearing loss and the benefits of hearing aids. Clinton can be seen here doing work with the Starkey Foundation.

Thomas Edison

Although the world’s most famous inventor described himself as deaf, it is more accurate to say that he was very hard of hearing. He once said, “I have not heard a bird sing since I was twelve years old.” Edison attributed his hearing loss, which made it difficult for him to concentrate in school, to an incident in which he was “boxed on the ears” by a train conductor at the age of 12. However, due to the fact that his father had a similar hearing loss, and that Edison suffered a bout of scarlet fever as a child, it is now believed that his hearing damage was a hereditary condition exacerbated by illness. The inventor often told reporters he was working on a hearing aid, but it seems he also saw advantages to being deaf, commenting that it helped him concentrate on his work.