A long relationship such as marriage can be a wonderful thing, a source of support, encouragement and inspiration for both partners. Open communication is essential to the longevity of a relationship, but as any married person will attest, communication breakdowns do happen from time to time. Luckily, they are usually short-lived. But if one partner has undiagnosed hearing loss, this communication barrier can last for years and have profound negative effects on both the hearing loss sufferer and their spouse.
What are the negative effects of untreated hearing loss?
It takes, on average, seven years for someone to admit they have hearing difficulties. Many people do not realize right away how serious their loss has become, or they postpone getting their hearing tested because they fear the stigma of hearing loss and its association with old age. This delay in getting treatment means an additional burden for the hearing spouse, a loss of confidence in the hearing loss sufferer, and a gradual eroding of happiness in both partners.
Partners of hearing loss sufferers report feelings of frustration from their partners frequently needing them to repeat themselves, or having to perform basic tasks for their loved one like answering the phone and dealing with personal errands. And the inability to carry out these daily tasks or attend social events gives the hearing loss sufferer a feeling of helplessness, which causes them to withdraw further from the hobbies and activities that once brought pleasure.
A loss of intimacy can be another unfortunate side effect of untreated hearing loss. The ‘little things’ that are so important to maintaining a relationship–a quiet joke, a whispered word of encouragement–are hindered when one partner struggles a great deal in understanding speech.
Does your spouse have a hearing loss?
There are several signs your loved one may have a hearing impairment:
-They don’t like talking in noisy environments
-They answer questions inappropriately or talk off-topic during a conversation
-They often ask people to repeat themselves
-They listen to the TV at too high a volume
-They find it particularly difficult to understand women and children
Treating hearing loss early, when it is still mild to moderate, is the best way to ensure your relationship will not suffer and your quality of life will not be lowered in any way.
How to talk to your spouse about their hearing loss
If you feel that your partner’s untreated hearing loss could be harming your relationship, the best step is to take action and speak to them about it. It can be a delicate process, so be sure to choose the right time to talk, preferably when they are in a relaxed frame of mind rather than when they are tired or stressed. The place is also important: choose a quiet spot away from any distractions so that their focus is on you.
According to Johns Hopkins medicine, the best approach is to come prepared with facts. Bring the latest medical research on the numerous benefits of hearing aids, and testimonials on how they have changed people’s lives for the better. Hearing aids not only improve relationships, they also increase mobility, delay cognitive decline, and help to keep your partner safe.
You might also consider doing an informal assessment of the person with hearing loss, such as an online quiz where your spouse can answer yes or questions. Getting several consecutive ‘yes’ answers could point them towards the fact that they need a hearing check-up.
If you partner is still unreceptive, without using any accusatory language, talk about the effect that their hearing loss has had on your life. If the years of having to constantly repeat things, of acting as their “ears,” and of having to worry about your spouse have taken a toll on your well-being, make it known. Your partner wants the best for you and will take steps to improve their hearing when they realize the effect it has had on your relationship.
Don’t forget to remind your spouse that hearing exams are simple and painless, and offer to accompany them to the check-up. Hearing aids will make life easier and more fulfilling for both of you, and even help to ensure the health and well-being of your spouse, so if this is a conversation you need to have, don’t delay.
For more information on hearing loss and to schedule a hearing test, contact us at Desert Valley Audiology today.