Mention hearing aids, and we know the first thing that pops into your mind is those ancient clunky hearing aids you remember from many years ago, that sit heavily behind your ear, and buzz if you get too close to someone. No one wants to be stuck with a hearing aid like that, and the good news is, you won’t ever have to.
Avoiding Treatment of Hearing Loss
If you’re under the age of 60, you might deny that you have hearing loss or ignore the ringing or buzzing in your ears, that worrisome tinnitus that’s an early warning sign of worse things to come. You’re struggling to follow conversations, and often miss the punchline when your friend tells a joke. You laugh anyways, because you don’t want people to think of you as being ‘old’, or start treating you differently. You’ve switched ears when talking on the phone, since you can hear better out of your left ear. You’ve even started avoiding social events or even dinner with friends, since you don’t want to answer inappropriately, ask someone to repeat themselves, or draw attention to your hearing loss. And you definitely don’t want an expensive hearing aid that highlights your difficulties, and cramps your style.
Hearing Loss is Becoming More Common Among Younger Generations
Hearing loss is more prevalent among teens and young adults than you might think. Our lives get noisier every day, with dangerously loud traffic sounds during rush hour, screeching subway brakes, and blaring music in every shopping mall and store. Not only that, but young people spend a lot of their time with earbuds jammed into their ears, playing music at extremely high levels during the commute to work, or to get pumped up at the gym. Loud concerts, sports events, and excessively loud bars and night clubs all contribute to hearing loss among younger generations. Mostly, people simply fail to realize the risks they’re exposing themselves to until it’s too late.
Hearing Aids Aren’t Just for Seniors
The reality is that there are lots of young adults who have hearing loss, and lots of hearing aids made with you in mind. Hearing technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in the last few years, and they’re a far cry from the chunky, cumbersome hearing aids you’ve been picturing. There are still some behind the ear models available, and these devices are sleek, stylish peices that tuck away out of sight. As technology advances, more and more powerful devices can fit into small casings, so hearing aids can be made that fit into the outer ear, or even sit far within the ear canal, making them practically invisible!
Modern hearing aids are made to be cosmetically appealing, and are small, beautiful devices that come in a variety of colors to match skin or hair tones to more funky hues for those who want to show off their devices. The reality is, no one will even notice your devices unless they’re looking for them. What people will notice is that your hearing is on point!
Modern Technology for Modern People
Having a hearing aid means you’ll reconnect with the people and sounds of your life. Hearing aids are sophisticated mini-computers that can help you hear in any situation. They have settings that allow you to hear at parties, reducing background noises and helping you focus on the person you’re talking to. Many hearing aids have connectivity features, so you can easily play music or talk on the phone, using your hearing devices as wireless earbuds. Not only that, but programs and features can be changed easily using a smartphone app, so you’ll never need to fiddle with the device, or draw attention to you ear. With a few discreet taps, you can have full control of your hearing aids.
Get Hearing Aids Today
If you’re ready to get a stylish pair of hearing aids, and rediscover all the sounds you’ve been missing, visit us today at Desert Valley Audiology for a hearing assessment. Our team of hearing specialists know you want the best when it comes to hearing technology, and we have a range of options that will get you back to hearing and keep you stylish at the same time.