How Social Media Helped Mom Diagnose Son’s Hearing Loss

In this modern day and age of easy access to technology and avid social media use, our online interactions are becoming more and more prominent in our lives. Social media isn’t just for fun anymore, but can be a great resource of advice and social support, connecting us with others all around the world. Randi Zuckerberg, creator and executive producer for Sprout Channel’s series DOT, is a mother of two boys. She credits Facebook for helping her diagnose her son’s hearing loss.


Second Child Syndrome


Randi Zuckerberg, who you might know as the New York Times-bestselling author of Dot Complicated: Untangling Our Wired Lives, told her story to Today. In the article, she says she and her husband Brent had second child syndrome. They were very focused with their first son Asher, and did everything by the book. But when Simcha came along they relaxed a bit. Both Asher and Simcha (nicknamed Simi) were happy, healthy boys. When Simi was a toddler, something didn’t feel quite right. At 20 months old, he was slow to learn new skills, and wasn’t walking or talking yet. Zuckerberg often relies on social media for information and support, so she asked her friends for their advice. They lulled her fears, telling her there was nothing to worry about and that he just needed a bit more time.


Blast From the Past


Not long after this, Zuckerberg was on Facebook when the site showed her an old post of hers about Asher. At 18 months, he’d been speaking in full sentences! This old post made all her fears for Simi come rushing back. At 20 months old, he couldn’t even say “mama”. The Zuckerberg’s took Simi to see an audiologist, who diagnosed Simi with hearing loss caused by an ear infection as a young infant. After a minor surgery and a lot of intensive speech therapy, Simi is improving. Now 2 years old, he’s starting to talk, and his hearing is much better. This is great news for Simi, since it means he’ll be able to develop and grow normally along with his peers.


Social Media to the Rescue


Zuckerberg is quick to thank social media for opening her eyes to Simi’s hearing loss. Without Facebook and that reminder of Asher’s development as a toddler, she wouldn’t have realized Simi had a problem until it was too late. Living with untreated hearing loss, particularly as an infant or child, has tragic outcomes. Slowing mental, physical, and emotional development, the child may never catch up, and will struggle with cognitive deficiencies their whole life.


Social media was also a source of support for Zuckerberg. After her son’s diagnosis, she dealt with feelings of guilt for ignoring the early warning signs, and blamed herself for not being a good parent. Worried about her son’s future, she reached out to other moms online who had gone through similar experiences. They gave her support, comfort, and good advice.


Trust Your Gut


While Zuckerberg is grateful for the role of social media in her son’s diagnosis, she gives a word of warning. Social media can be a great place for resources and knowledge, but it’s important to trust your instincts and go with your gut. Zuckerberg had been worried about Simi several months before seeking treatment, but she accepted the advice of friends who told her not to worry. Not all advice is good advice, so do your research and listen to your inner voice. When it comes to your kids, don’t take any chances. Today Simi is doing great. He’s developing normally, interacting with the world around him, and loving life. For more on Simi’s story, go to



At Desert Valley Audiology, we offer pediatric hearing services. Contact us for more information.



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