The strategy first used as a hearing aid remains in use today, the instinctive gesture to cup your hand behind the ear to better collect sounds so that you can hear them. Born out of necessity, the earliest tools used to aid hearing came about in the early 17th century. They were the long trumpets that sailors held to their ears to hear the calls of other sailors on distant vessels. Smaller versions of these ear trumpets were used in the later seventeenth century to help people with hearing loss; they were of the same type – a cone or trumpet inserted into the ear and then pointed at the sound. Another form of 17th century hearing aid was called the Metal Ear, and that’s exactly what it was – a pair outsized ears fashioned out of metal and worn over the wearer’s own ears. In the 19th century smaller forms of these acoustic horns were marketed as Auricles or Cornets. They were usually smaller in size, designed to be carried in a lady’s purse or to be placed on a table with a flexible tube conveying sounds to the user’s ears.
The invention of the telephone led to the invention in 1898 of the first electric hearing aids; they were primitive and much like the ear trumpets, but they did allow people to hear more frequencies. In 1921 the first hearing aid using vacuum tubes was patented, but it wasn’t effectively used until 1934 because of its bulk. To operate, the hearing aid required the vacuum tube, a microphone, an amplifier, a receiver and 2 batteries. When first introduced the batteries only provided for 1 day of use. After that, there were no significant improvements in hearing aids until 1947, when the transistor was invented. Even then it wasn’t until 1952 that a transistor-based hearing aid became practical, because it turns out that transistors were sensitive to dampness. The next round of innovation was fueled by the integrated circuit – first developed in 1958. This technological advancement lasted in the 1970s.
The digital circuit and the microprocessors allowed hearing aids to take a big leap forward. Many new features became possible such as noise and feedback management and directional microphones. Microprocessors also enabled greater audio clarity and miniaturization. The new technology had its downside too. Since each hearing aid was hand-crafted, prices were very high and wait times were long.
In 1987, however, the first commercially successful digital hearing aid appeared; it was a model with body-worn electronics with a connection to a receiver in the ear. 1996 saw the release of the first all-digital hearing aids, and that technology has been used ever since, constantly improving to provide features that 17th-century users could never have even dreamed of.